On Mediation/7: Theory and Curatorial Practices in the Global Art
Training Seminar
Theoretical Phase: November – December, 2019
Practical Phase: December, 2019 – June, 2020, Barcelona, Catalonia
Organizing Team
Directors: Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran
Coordinators:Christian Alonso and Olga Sureda
Theoretical Phase
November – December, 2019
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Introductory session by Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran, ON MEDIATION project directors.
Presentation of the seminar structure by the coordinators and presentation of the participants.
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Session by Nadim Samman, Independent Commissioner, Berlin.
Convenor: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Session by Manuel Oliveira, Director of MUSAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León.
Convenor: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Session by David Armengol, Independent curator, Barcelona.
Convenor: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Session by Elena Filipovic, Director of Kunsthalle Basel.
Convenor: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Session by Rick Dolphijn, Associate Professor based at Humanities, Utrecht University.
Convenor: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Self-managed curatorial practices: La Infinita, La Cera 13, and Espronceda Center for Art & Culture.
Round Table. Moderators: TBA
18:00 – 21:00 h / Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 202
Presentation of the projects by the students (optional) before an evaluation committee. End of course invitation.
Practical Sessions
December 2019 – June, 2020
Constitution of the working group*.
Research project
Presentation of the preliminary project
Coordinated work of the group with the collections and the centre
APRIL – MAY 2020
Project production
JUNE 2020
Public presentation of the project
*It is compulsory to first formalize the registration to the theoretical phase to access the practical phase. The selection process of the attendees who will constitute the working team will be announced once the seminar is started. A motivation letter and a CV will be needed.

The ON MEDIATION / 7 program is articulated in two interconnected stages: first, the theoretical phase, taught by curators of recognized international experience, where different perspectives that identify different ways of doing in promoting curatorial practice towards a postdisciplinary scenario will be addressed. Starting from the theoretical sessions and the work materials provided, the participants will prepare a proposal for a tutored exhibition project that will later be evaluated.
In the practical phase a group will be formed that will have the opportunity to materialize a curated curatorial project, which will be presented in a space of the artistic ecosystem of the city of Barcelona in June 2020. The work sessions will enhance the cross-linking of knowledge and enable Work and common decision making. All enrolled participants will receive a certificate of attendance, online work material, personalized tutorials and specific project monitoring.
Theoretical Phase’s tuition: 300 € students / 350 € general
Languages: Spanish, English
Theoretical Phase’s tuition: 275 euros students / 325 euros non-students. Formalize registration through this form, and send a summarized CV to [email protected]
Theoretical Phase’s places: 30
Practical Phase’s tuition: 100 euros
Practical Phase’s places: 7
Registration: As of December 2019
Practical Phase’s supervision: 14 hours (distributed along december 2019 and june 2020. You may add no less than 40 hours for collective work in order to carry out the project)
Session 1.
Introductory session by Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran, directors of the ON MEDIATION project. Presentation of the structure of the seminar by the coordinators and presentation of the participants.
Introducción: Anna Maria Guasch, Martí Peran

Session 2:
Nadim Samman
Nadim Samman, Independent Commissioner, Berlin.
Moderator: TBA

Session 3:
Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira, Director of MUSAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla y León
Moderator: TBA

Session 4:
David Armengol
David Armengol , Independent Commissioner, Barcelona.
Moderator: TBA

Session 5:
Elena Filipovic
Elena Filipovic, Director of the dynamic, experimental, rigorous, open-minded, and accessible, Kunsthalle Basel – a place for audacious art and exhibitions by emerging artists.
Moderator: TBA

Session 6:
Rick Dolphijn
Rick Dolphijn, Associate Professor based at Humanities, Utrecht University
Moderator: TBA

Session 7:
Christian Alonso
Christian Alonso, Universitat de Barcelona.
Moderator: TBA
Session 8:
Self-Managed Curatorial Practices
Round Table: La Infinita, La Cera 13, and Espronceda Center for Art & Culture.
Moderator: TBA
Session 9:
Final Presentation
Presentation of the projects by the students (optional) before an evaluation committee. End of course invitation.
UB, Universitat de Barcelona
Faculty of Geography and History, Classroom 311
Montalegre 6, 08001 Barcelona, Catalonia