Martí Peran
Project Director
Research Project:
Spaces of Experience. Artistic practices and machinery for political imagination
Key Concepts:
Public space, Urban Experience, Institutional Critique, Critic of Representation, Political Imagination
Martí Peran (Mataró, 1961) is a faculty member of the University of Barcelona as well as a critic and curator. He has collaborated with many contemporary art books and catalogues. He was a member of the editorial board of “Transversal” (1996-2002). Member of the editors team of “Roulotte”, he is also a collaborator in newspapers and art magazines (Exit Express, Artforum International). He has imparted different workshops on art criticism and curatorial practices in different institutions. He has lectured in different museums and universities (MACBA, Barcelona; MNCARS, Madrid; USP, Sao Paulo; Trienale, Milano; CCEBA, Buenos Aires; Townhouse, Cairo; Contemporary Art Center, Larissa; NYU, New York; Art Beijing; Jeu de Paume, Paris and more).
He has curated several historical and contemporary art exhibitions. He has recently curated “Event architecture” (EACC, Castellón,2002); “Stand by. Listos para actuar” (Laboratorio Alameda, Mexico City,2003); “Corner” (Cajamadrid, Barcelona, 2004-2005); “See how they move. 4 ideas about mobility” (Fundación Telefónica Madrid, 2005); “Glaskultur. What happened with transparence idea?” (Koldo Mitxelena, San Sebastián, 2006). “Post-it city. Occasional Cities” (CCCB, Barcelona, 2008; 2009-2011: Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Cádiz, Madrid); “After Architecture” (Arts Santa Mònica. Barcelona,2009), “Para Bellum 12mm” (Mataró, Barcelona); “Esto no es un museo. Artefactos móviles al acecho” (Can Xalant y ACVIC, Barcelona, 2011); y “Estilo indirecto” (Fundación Foto Colectania, Barcelona, 2011 y Bolit, Girona, 2012). He was the director of “Roundabout Program” (2001-2008), an exchange program between Barcelona and other cities (Santiago de Chile, Istambul, Jerusalem, Rejkiavic, Bangkok, Mexico D.F.).