Defender el cuerpo-territorio

© Ríos de gente de R.J. Galindo, photography by Juan Esteban.

Defender el cuerpo-territorio
Performance and Extractivist Violence in the Work of Regina José Galindo

Round table with Regina José Galindo (artist), Semíramis González (independent curator), and Christian Alonso. Moderated by: Chiara Sgaramella (Universitat Politècnica de València).

Monday 17th of June, 2024
Sala Jane Addams, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona (C/ Montalegre 6, Barcelona).
Free with previous entry

The work of artist and poet Regina José Galindo (Guatemala City, 1974) revolves around the female body as the site of multiple and stratified forms of violence. Her performances are configured as moments of denunciation, in which the discriminations and asymmetries of power that characterise capitalist and patriarchal society are made visible.

This round table, organised in the context of the R&D project Visuality and Geaesthetics in the Era of Ecosocial Crisis (VIGEO) and the exhibition Decolonising the World (Centre d’Art La Panera), will examine the artist’s wide-ranging career. In particular, some works will be analysed in which feminist concerns intersect with the denunciation of practices of extractivism and the commodification of nature in Guatemala and other territories. Here, Regina José Galindo’s body expands to encompass other bodies – human and more than human – affected by extractivist violence. The artist’s creative action not only draws attention to socio-environmental injustices, but also calls for intergenerational and interspecies mutual care.

The dialogue between Regina José Galindo, exhibition curator Semíramis González and curator and researcher Christian Alonso aims to explore the complex narratives that characterise the artist’s work, as well as the individual and collective poetic strategies present in her performative practice.

Coordination: Chiara Sgaramella (Universitat Politècnica de València)