Mónica Galván
Doctoral Student
Mónica Galván (Mexico City, 1987) is an artist, researcher and curator. Graduate of Visual Arts (ENAP/UNAM). Postgraduate in Visual Arts Research (FAD/UNAM). Currently, PhD student in History and Theory of Arts in the Program: Society and Culture. History, Art, Anthropology and Heritage (Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona) His doctoral thesis, directed by Martí Perán, analyzes the active presence of the creator in contemporary artistic processes through the artist/curator figure as a postmodern event.
Reviewer in the scientific journal of the University of Barcelona: BR::AC (Barcelona Research Art Creation), through the peer system. She is part of the Working Group on the MACBA Collection coordinated by Julia Ramírez Blanco, organized by the Department of Public Programs and Education. She has attended the theoretical and practical phase of the fifth edition of the ON MEDIATION Seminar. Platform on curatorship and research, directed by Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran. She writes specialized texts and directs the course: “La crítica de arte como herramienta discursiva y creativa” in the association Arte Sostenible, Barcelona.
In 2014 she was a guest researcher of the Guests Researchers Programme of the MACBA Study and Documentation Center. During 2013 she was part of the team that organizes the Seminario de Investigación Museológica directed by Dr. Luisa Fernanda Rico Mansard within the “Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia” (UNAM).
Curator of thirteen exhibitions, the most recent: Disecciones en cuerpos disolutos, by Nizaac Vallejo at the “ArtSpace Mexico” Gallery, Mexico City. Nómadas of Luisa Estada in “Casa Galería”, Tlalpan, Mexico City, in February 2018 and Chalmiñoco by Gorka Larrañaga in the “Museo de Acuarela y Dibujo Muñoz Mariño” in Quito, Ecuador in 2017.