What is Contemporary?

What is Contemporary?


November 4, 2016, Barcelona, Catalonia

Organizing Team

Organized by:AGI | Art, Globalization, Interculturality, Departament d´Història de l’Art, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona (AGI/ART: 2014SGR 1050), and the project Critical Cartography of Art and Visuality in the Global Age (I+D MINECO: HAR2013-43122-P).

Coordination: Martí Peran, Diana Padrón Alonso

Starting from the Kantian slogan about becoming-major as the horizon of the Enlightenment and our modernity, now it is a question of rethinking the status of the minor-future proposed by Deleuze and Guattari to develop a minimal cartography about certain logics of resistance in the biopolitical context current. In this framework unprecedented topics such as exhaustion, de-subjectivation or molecular evolution can be explored as forces of desertion and insurgency that call us to a reinvention of the social.

Opening Speech:
Peter Pál Pelbart

Peter Pál Pelbart is Professor of the Department of Philosophy (Subjectivity Studies Area) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo. His works propose a revision of the ideas of productivity, the modes of existence and the mechanisms of control in contemporary society. He is the promoter of Compañía Teatral Ueinzz.

His most relevant publications are: A vértigo miedo um fío (2000); Vida Capital- ensayos de biopolítica (2003); Filosofía de la deserción (2009); O avesso do nihilismo- cartografías do esgotamento (2013).


UB, Universitat de Barcelona, Aula Magna
Montalegre 6, 4th Floor, 08001 Barcelona, Catalonia