Spaces of Experience. Artistic practices and Machinery for Political Imagination

Spaces of Experience. Artistic Practices and Machinery for Political Imagination

AGI | Lines of Research

Reference: TBA

Project Information

Head of Research: Martí Peran, Universitat de Barcelona

Several historical imperatives imposed the urgency to enabling sites and tools for the production of experience and imagination of other futures. Contemporary culture has experimented with different strategies in this perspective, since the reconquest of a lively public space to the articulation of a singular hermeneutics of the past to allow rescue old dreams. At this juncture, the analysis of the urban experience, the instituting practices and aesthetic skills have to be combined equally within a postdisciplinar discourse that is able to return the floor to the public. The art may still be capital if is be able to surpass itself and question any conventional mode of production.

Key Concepts:

Public Space, Urban Experience, Institutional Critique, Critic of Representation, Political Imagination